Scanning of railway tunnels on the track Tanvald - Kořenov

In this section, there are 4 tunnels with a total length of 1425 m.

Railway line 036 (Liberec - Tanvald - Harrachov) is located in a hilly area and its slope reaches up to 0.58 ‰. Due to the large inclination, it was equipped with a rack in several sections, which you will not see anywhere else in the Czech Republic. It has been a cultural monument of the Czech Republic since 1992. As part of the preparation for the reconstruction of the Tanvald - Kořenov section, it was necessary to update the geodetic data. These included revision and renewal of the point field, updating of the topography and elevation, finding out the exact position of the track and scanning the tunnels.

Want to know more? For more information on this contract, visit the BIM3D or Look at the article that has been published on Časopis SILNICE ŽELEZNIC.

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