The Digital Technical Map of the Czech Republic is the project of the century

The DTM CR represents a huge step forward in geodesy and spatial planning.

Digital Technical Maps of the Czech Republic (DTM) is the largest project of its kind in the history of our country. This ambitious initiative aims to map the entire territory of the Czech Republic by geodesists in the field and bring a revolution in the field of geodesy.

The creation of the DTM has been very intensive from the beginning. In cooperation with surveying companies, private companies prepared the basic data for this large-scale project in just one and a half years. The speed of development brought its challenges but also demonstrated the ability to collaborate and innovate effectively. Nevertheless, the DTM project has raised several questions from the outset:

These concerns are legitimate, but it is important to remember that the advantages of the DTM far outweigh its disadvantages. The project will make utility data available in a new, fast, and widely understood way.

Something unrivaled in the world is emerging. Uniformly. For the whole country.

DTM has the potential to significantly simplify and speed up construction and land-use planning. Data will be accessible in 3D format, revolutionizing the world of 2D maps and utility drawings. The single exchange format of the JVF DTM will bring order to the existing world of disparate data formats and facilitate collaboration between all stakeholders.

With the DTM, utilities will need to make their utility location data available for their benefit. This will contribute to safety and prevent accidents such as damage to underground cables during construction work.

Updating the data in the DTM will be a mandatory part of the approval procedures. Builders will also have to take a survey for utility connections, which will ensure that the data is up-to-date and accurate.

Revoluce ve správě a sdílení dat

Náklady na údržbu dat DTM nejsou zatím v plné míře známy, to ukáže až čas.

Pro efektivní vizualizaci, publikaci, správu a sdílení geodat a souvisejících dokumentů vyvinula naše společnost inovativní cloudovou mapovou aplikaci MawisGeoportal. Najdete ji jako produkt na portálu pro profesionály

MawisGeoportal podporuje všechny standardní datové formáty včetně podpory digitálních technických map (DTM) a komunikace s Informačním systémem digitální mapy veřejné správy (IS DMVS). Můžete snadno importovat a exportovat data v různých formátech a zajistit tak bezproblémovou integraci s ostatními systémy.

Ať už jste síťař spravující technickou a dopravní infrastrukturu, obec či kraj starající se o veřejný majetek a digitální technickou mapu ČR, stavebník hledající podporu od projektování až po realizaci staveb nebo projektant analyzující data, MawisGeoportal zjednoduší vaši práci a díky naší inovativní mapové aplikaci ušetří čas a zdroje. Více se dozvíte ve videu:

We will help you to understand the DTM Czech Republic

The Digital Technical Map of the Czech Republic is an innovative project that is unparalleled in the world. It will bring significant improvements to construction management, spatial planning, and utility management, but also several inconsistencies and issues. If you are in doubt, please contact us. In addition to consultation, we will comprehensively resolve all the individual steps to successfully comply with the legal obligation. For more information, please visit our website: or our service offer.

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