Traditional golf tournament Geotrain Cup 2019

Traditional golf tournament organized by HRDLIČKA spol. s r.o. and AŽD s.r.o. this year until the end of September..

This year’s 5th year was unique due to the initial fog that enveloped the pitch in white duvets and the start of the tournament was uncertain. After all, the sun was trying to rise and the fog gradually disappeared. The course in Česká Lípa is famous for its relaxed atmosphere, and this time it was no different. This year’s results were not as stunning as last year, but still many players showed great performance. Out of a total of 60 golf tournament players, 14 players have improved their HCP. It is worth mentioning the improvement of the winner of the HCP group 22,1-54, who reduced his HCP from the original 38 points to the ending 28 points.

Mr. Jiří Lorenčík became the absolute wound winner and Mrs. Charezínská Gabriela traditionally scored the wound winner in the ladies category again. All tournament results are published on the ČGF website.

We would like to thank everyone once again for a relaxing game and congratulate the winners. We would also like to thank the partner of the AŽD event, the HRDLIČKA organizational team and the entire Golf Resort Česká Lípa team.

Kateřina Skočdopole

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